Friday, September 28, 2012

   This last week has been crazy busy, but amazingly, I am learning that the normal week here is anything but normal.

On Monday Morgan and I found out what it is like to go to the hospital when we took a 16 year old mother and her twin 1 month old boys to get a check up. We got there at 8am. and they waited until about 3:30 to be seen by the doctor. Then again on Thursday, we unexpectedly took a 19 year old with HIV to the hospital after he collasped at school and waited most of the day.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we harvested more spinach and visited carepoints. I am thanking God for this wonderful opportunity to serve His people in Swaziland!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sept. 16th & 17th

On Monday and Tuesday we harvested spinach from the gardens and then delivered and handed them out at four of the carepoints. Nisela Farms has many small farms and three of them have given AIM small plots on which they plant and take care of the vegtables for us. The only thing we have to do is come and harvest them. This is a huge blessing for the children who only eat a bean and pap (similar to dry grits) meal every day.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Morgan, my teammate, in Swaziland. 

Sept. 14th

I am in Nsoko and we are all settled in! Morgan and I are staying on a small Nisela Farm. We have a real toilet and a shower, so we are doing great! The power is iffy here and we have no internet. The missionary that we are working with, Erica, lives about five minutes away and she is kindly letting us use her internet.


So far we have toured all ten carepoints and met the D-team. The discipleship team in Nsoko is made up of four amazing people, Nombali, Thandi, Sanele, and Celimpilo. I can’t wait to work along side of them! Hopefully, if it does not rain, on Monday we will start our “job,” which I will be able to detail once we’ve done it. It is the very end of the winter here and it has rained most of the time we have been here, which makes carepoint visits challenging with all the mud.




Saturday, September 8, 2012

  Well....I kind of forgot my password and couldn't get into blogger to post, sorry about the silence. Hehe :) The family leaves tomorrow for Alanta, Georgia, where we will be staying with my aunt. We will have some time to visit together before I fly out from there Monday evening. Can't wait to leave!